The conference venue Hotel Bristol Palace offers a limited number of rooms with a 10% discount for ‹Programming› 2019 attendees. Please contact the hotel (for booking: email:, phone:+39 010 592541) and ask for the ‹Programming› 2019 discounted prices.
You may also want to check the following hotel list with discounted prices for guests of the University of Genova. All prices are in Euro (€) per night for a single room, breakfast included. Please contact the hotels and ask for the University of Genova discounted prices.
- Holiday Inn Genoa City €90
- B&B Hotel Genova €70
- Hotel Vittoria & Orlandini €40
- Columbus Sea Hotel €70
- Best Western Hotel Moderno Verdi €85
- Starhotels President Genova €105
If you prefer other options, since the venue is at the very heart of Genova, with the help of the major travel websites it should not be difficult to arrange accommodations that best serve your needs; feel free to contact us for any support.