Registered user since Mon 11 Feb 2019
Hernán Wilkinson graduated in Computer Science from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FCEyN) of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. He has been teaching OO and Agil Software Development techniques since 2001, both in academia and in the industry through 10Pines. He has worked as a programmer at IBM, Software Architect at Banco Galicia and Manager of Development and Technology at Mercap. Currently he works as trainer, coach and software developer at 10Pines and simultaneously he is professor of Software Engineering at FCEyN, UBA. He founded 10Pines with some friends, a software development company based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has presented and participated in several national and international conferences such as OOSPLA, ESUG, Agile, XPConf, Agiles, Smalltalks, RubyConf, PHP Conf, Scrum Gathering Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. He is a founding partner of FAST (Smalltalk Argentina Foundation) and organizer of the Smalltalks conference. He has contributed with several open source projects of the Smalltalk community. Promotes, after applying it in 10Pines, horizontal and agile organizations through talks and presentations. Beyond all his obligations, he remains a passionate programmer. You can contact him at hernan.wilkinson@10pines.com and follow him on twitter @hernanwilkinson
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