‹Programming› 2019 (series) / Meinte Boersma

Registered user since Thu 29 Sep 2016
Name:Meinte Boersma
Meinte Boersma has been doing model-driven software development and software language engineering for over a decade, and in numerous projects. He had a startup around his own language workbench (Más), and has been spreading his experience with and knowledge on the subject through blogs and conference talks. He is currently working at the Dutch Tax and Customs Agency, creating DSLs to bridge the gap between lawpeople and IT. He is also authoring a book about projectional DSLs that’s to be released in 2020 by Manning Publications.
Affiliation:Dutch Tax and Customs Agency
Personal website: http://www.dslconsultancy.com/
Research interests:Domain-Specific Languages, Language Engineering, Model-Driven Software Development
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